GuzmanGIS - Blog


Open Source Library Announcement!

Jan. 11, 2024, noon by Arturo Guzman & Emily Segroves

The core GuzmanGIS app operates on a javascript library we wrote ourselves that provides the core data-handling functionality. The user interface is built on top of this core library. We are now proud to announce that we are making this core library available as an open source tool under the GNU General Public License v3.0

We also have detailed documentation to help you understand and use the library more easily. If you are interested, please take a look.

The open source library can be accessed here:

The core GuzmanGIS app operates on a javascript library we wrote ourselves that provides the core data-handling functionality. The user interface is built on top of this core library. We are now proud to announce that we are making this core library available as an open source tool under the GNU General Public License v3.0

We also have detailed documentation to help you understand and use the library more easily. If you are interested, please take a look.

The open source library can be accessed here:

Release Notes 9 January 2024

Jan. 9, 2024, 6 p.m. by Arturo Guzman & Emily Segroves

GuzmanGIS now has an improved user interface and software architecture!

The homepage now includes dynamic content which displays on the front-end and can be edited via the admin interface. This feature allows the website to have its front facing content be more easily modifiable without having to take the time to redeploy. GuzmanGIS now includes a blog page to allow for release notes or other related content to be displayed to the user. It also has a search functionality to allow users to skip through content more quickly.

The front facing interface of the main app is now decoupled from the main gis scripts so that that any UI can feed into the main logic of the app. This allows us to be more modular and to make the core app scripts available as open source software (we will link to this soon!)

The UI of the app has also undergone an overhaul -- the new dynamic interface allows a more polished feel and more canvas real-estate when menus are in use.

GPS functionality is here! With a single click on the 'GPS Create' button users can now create points, lines, and polygons based on their current location. This does require the geolocation services to be turned on. Never fear, however, your GPS coordinates never hit our servers so you can rest assured that we can't see your data.

We also added scaling functionality. This allows the user to zoom in and out from both the raster and vector layers for ease of use and fine-tune editing. To make the GPS functionality more functional we've also added auto scale map, which scales the data entered to fit the screen. This means you can autoscale the map to fit the dimensions of your data after creating via GPS or uploading a GeoJSON file!

If all of this feels confusing or overwhelming, you can always check out our improved how-to page which allows new users of GuzmanGIS to be more easily familiar with the tools and functionality available. We've also included links to our YouTube channel and Patreon to allow interested users to be more involved as further updates are developed.

GuzmanGIS now has an improved user interface and software architecture!

The homepage now includes dynamic content which displays on the front-end and can be edited via the admin interface. This feature allows the website to have its front facing content be more easily modifiable without having to take the time to redeploy. GuzmanGIS now includes a blog page to allow for release notes or other related content to be displayed to the user. It also has a search functionality to allow users to skip through content more quickly.

The front facing interface of the main app is now decoupled from the main gis scripts so that that any UI can feed into the main logic of the app. This allows us to be more modular and to make the core app scripts available as open source software (we will link to this soon!)

The UI of the app has also undergone an overhaul -- the new dynamic interface allows a more polished feel and more canvas real-estate when menus are in use.

GPS functionality is here! With a single click on the 'GPS Create' button users can now create points, lines, and polygons based on their current location. This does require the geolocation services to be turned on. Never fear, however, your GPS coordinates never hit our servers so you can rest assured that we can't see your data.

We also added scaling functionality. This allows the user to zoom in and out from both the raster and vector layers for ease of use and fine-tune editing. To make the GPS functionality more functional we've also added auto scale map, which scales the data entered to fit the screen. This means you can autoscale the map to fit the dimensions of your data after creating via GPS or uploading a GeoJSON file!

If all of this feels confusing or overwhelming, you can always check out our improved how-to page which allows new users of GuzmanGIS to be more easily familiar with the tools and functionality available. We've also included links to our YouTube channel and Patreon to allow interested users to be more involved as further updates are developed.

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