GuzmanGIS - How To

How to

Map Controls
Table View


Layer 1 is selected by default. When you create a new feature (point, line, or polygon), it is created on the selected layer. When editing a feature, you must ensure that the correct layer is selected.

In the layers menu, you can rename an existing layer, create new layers, select your target layer, toggle label visibility for features in the layer, and delete a layer, Deleting a layer will also delete all features associated with that layer.

You can edit the layer of an existing feature by using the edit tools in the draw menu.


Enter a color value into the color field using hex values to set the color for your feature (point, line, or polygon). To edit the color of an existing feature, ensure the correct layer is targeted, select the edit tool in the draw menu, and then select the desired feature. You will now have the option to update the color and save changes.

Enter a text value into the label field to set the label for your feature (point, line, or polygon). To edit the label of an existing feature, ensure the correct layer is targeted, select the edit tool in the draw menu, and then select the desired feature. You will now have the option to update the label and save changes.

A point is a representation of a single object. (Ex. Tree)

To create a point: selected the desired layer, select the create tool in the draw menu, and then click the canvas at the desired location.

To create a point based on your current location select GPS create. You need to enable geolocation services in order for this functionality to work.

To edit a point: select the layer the point currently occupies and then select the edit tool in the draw menu. You can then drag the point to the desired position or edit all fields manually in the edit menu.

To delete a point: select the layer the point currently occupies and then select the delete tool in the draw menu. You can then delete the desired point by selecting it. Be careful, there is no option to recover the feature once it has been deleted.

A line is a representation of a finite (Ex. Road) or continuous field (Ex. River Flow).

To create a line: selected the desired layer, select the create tool in the draw menu, and then click the canvas at the desired start location. Continue clicking at the location of each additional desired point within the line. When the line is complete, select ‘End Line’.

To create a points in a line based on your current location select GPS create. You need to enable geolocation services in order for this functionality to work.

To edit a line: select the layer the line currently occupies and then select the edit tool in the draw menu. You can then drag each point in the line to the desired position or edit all fields manually in the edit menu. If manually editing coordinates of each point within the line in the edit menu, you must select the point within the line you wish to edit before you can update the coordinates for that specific point. Color, label, and layer updates apply to the line as a whole.

To delete a line: select the layer the line currently occupies and then select the delete tool in the draw menu. You can then delete the desired line by selecting one of its points. Be careful, there is no option to recover the feature once it has been deleted.

A polygon is a closed shape.

To create a polygon: selected the desired layer, select the create tool in the draw menu, and then click the canvas at the desired start location. Continue clicking at the location of each additional desired point within the polygon. To complete the polygon you must close it by creating a point at the same location as the first point in the polygon.

To create a point in a polygon based on your current location select GPS create. You need to enable geolocation services in order for this functionality to work.

Autocomplete: Instead of selecting the first point within a polygon to close, you can select the ‘autocomplete’ option. This will automatically close the polygon by connecting the most recently created point with the first point.

To edit a polygon: select the layer the polygon currently occupies and then select the edit tool in the draw menu. You can then drag each point in the polygon to the desired position or edit all fields manually in the edit menu. If manually editing coordinates of each point within the polygon in the edit menu, you must select the point within the polygon you wish to edit before you can update the coordinates for that specific point. Color, label, and layer updates apply to the polygon as a whole.

To delete a polygon: select the layer the polygon currently occupies and then select the delete tool in the draw menu. You can then delete the desired polygon by selecting one of its points. Be careful, there is no option to recover the feature once it has been deleted.

Map Controls

Pan across the map using the buttons that control direction (left, right, up, down). You cannot pan the map beyond its borders.

Manually set the map starting coordinates and size: The starting coordinate is the value that should be the uppermost left corner. By default this is set to 0,0. The size is the number of coordinate points you want your map to be. Save the changes to update your map.

Autoscale: This will automatically set the map size based on the data entered thus far and set the zoom so that the map is fully visible on screen. Manual Zoom: Manually zoom in or out of the map using the slider.


View Table Opens a new browser window with the detailed values of each feature.. (Ex. X, Y, Z, Description). You can update values and press save in order to update values of features en masse. Export Data Exporting data saves all features created to a GeoJSON file. Upload GeoJson Upload GeoJSON files to continue working on an existing project that you previously exported. Upload Image Uploading an image covers background with the uploaded image and updates the map to match the image size. This is not saved in the JSON file and must be uploaded again each time you work on an existing project.

Table View

Each Layer is displayed as a tab above the list of elements within the table. Columns are available for: Label, Description, X, Y, Z, Color and Type. Type is a non-editable fields. Lines and Polygons will have multiple lines within its listing for each coordinate within it (X, Y, and Z values) Editing the label, description, color, or coordinate value for any of the items in the table and selecting the option to save will update the map in the main app in the original tab.